The Mission Statement for The SPARX Public School League (SPSL) is outlined below.

To improve Youth Athletics in America for the "Better Than Average", and for all Youth Athletes in all sports and at all levels for Youth ages 8 to 14. From 1st Grade until 8th Grade.

Teams will be formed out of School District Boundaries. We pay our taxes as a School District. Now we will compete in Youth Athletics as a School District.

Teams will be comprised of, and will compete against, The Best Players in that sport, and in that Graduating class, and in that School District. For example, a boy now 10 or 11 will most likely be The High School Graduating Class of 2019. An 11 or 12 year old boy would, most likely, be in the Graduating Class of 2018 and so on. Teams and leagues will revolve around what projected High School Graduation Class a particular player will be associated with. Not by age.

     Youth Athletes current age - Projected High School Graduating Class - Probable Current Grade

     8 or 9 - 2021 - 3rd Grade

     9 or 10 - 2020 - 4th Grade

     10 or 11 - 2019 - 5th Grade

     11 of 12 - 2018 - 6th Grade

     12 or 13 - 2017 - 7th Grade

     13 or 14 - 2016 - 8th Grade

To remove problems related to High School Teams being formed in a players freshman year as players from the School District come together as a team for the first time.

To be a type of Minor League for High School and then, College, or Professional play.

To learn how to win and how to handle losing.

To learn how to handle the real game of life thru sports.

To groom Division I College Scholarship Athletes from 1st grade on.

To improve overall athletics at every school district involved in SPSL play. WDR Owner/President SPSL - A Division of SPARX Sports SPARX Sports is a Division of SPARX Enterprises

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