You are hereSPARXFest 2024

SPARXFest 2024

By admin - Posted on 23 May 2024

SKU: sparfest2024
Price: $12.01

SPARXFest 2024 is a planned Truther event to be held sometime in the fall of 2024 in Pennsylvania. Nothing is definite yet. As of 5/23/24 everything is in the planning stages but here is the plan.

WDR is planning a 2 day event that will be held over the weekend sometime in the fall of 2024.

This event will be presented by SPARX Enterprises and will be sponsored by The House of SPARX.

SPARXFest 2024 - Experience TRUTH

WDR is planning on booking the top 20 Truthers and Experts in the world to attend and speak at the event.

The question you have to ask yourself is this, "If there is an event this fall called SPARXFest 2024, and it unfolds as outlined below, would you want to be there"?


The event will be held at Adams Ricci Park in Enola, PA

This event will attempt to be a bit different than most Truther events you may have been to.

What will be different.

For the first time ever, only the top 20 Truthers in the world will be there.

The event will be more interactive.

Day 1 will be much like traditional events but day 2 will be much more active and interactive.

On day 2 watch or participate in the following events.

1. A celebrity softball game featuring Northern America vs The Southern States of America.

2. A celebrity Bocci ball tournament

3. A karaoke contest judged by the top truthers. Prizes awarded. Truth Karaoke Champion to be crowned.

4. Bring the kids. Events for kids will also be scheduled.

5. "Tickets" will be "sold" in a different manner. Join The House of SPARX (HOS) Club and you get a free ticket. Already a paid member of The HOS, just let WDR know and you will be sent a free ticket.

6. All event goers will be vetted. HOS Members only. However, tickets to non HOS Club Members will be sold for $50.00.

7. There will be several level of "Tickets" distributed.

     a. The $17 Lifetown General Membership level - Click the add to card button above for this.

     b.  The HOS $125 Bronzed Membership level - Click here

           1) VIP access to all Truthers

     c.  The HOS $250 Silver Membership level - Click here

          1) VIP access to all Truthers

     d.  The HOS $500 Gold Membership level - Click here

          1) includes at least a half hour on a Tesla Medbed and other related John Baxter Technology

          2) includes $100 gift certificate toward the purchase of any John Baxter Technology

          3.) On stage seating day 1

          4) VIP access to all Truthers

     e.  The HOS $1000 Platinum Membership level - Click here

          1) includes at least 1 hour on a Tesla Medbed and other related John Baxter Technology.

          2) includes $300 gift certificate toward the purchase of any John Baxter Technology

          3.) On stage seating day 1

           4) VIP access to all Truthers

8. If you are already a paid member of The HOS and would like to attend the event, email and let WDR know you would like to come. He will arrange to send you a ticket and put you on the list of attendees. You can also call 717-732-5643 and let WDR know you'd like to attend.







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