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SPARX Online Research and Data Input Position

Online Research and Data Input Contractor at

Generally stated, the goal of this position is to find contact information for former college football players. sells college football game films, played as far back as 1905, on DVD or otherwise.  Your are at the site now, so feel free to look around if you'd like to know more.  There is a lot here including over 50,000 college football games., a division of SPARX Enterprises, has a computer system called ROBOSPARX.  Within this computer system is a data base which contains the names of the 2 million guys that have played college football since 1950.  Also with each name is included, where they played, and when they played.  In some cases I know their middle initial and in others their hometown. From this information we can deduce the players approximate age, and the general location within the United States they live. Also attached to each players name is the games SPARX has from each of the years in which they played.

The goal of SPARX is to sell these guys their game films which have been transferred onto DVD or otherwise.  

The goal of the online research and data input contractor is to collect contact information on these guys which include Facebook presence, city and state in which they live, email addresses, phone numbers, and physical address.

SPARX will furnish a list (100 at a time) of these guys to the Online Research and Data Input Contractor on a Microsoft excel spreadsheet via email.  The contractor will search each players information by employing the SPARX Find 'em All System which is a series of steps taken by the contractor.  Lots of cutting and pasting from the internet, to the SPARX spreadsheet.

When the contractor completes working the list, it will be returned to SPARX.  SPARX will then initiate contact efforts in order to contact the player.  Once contacted, the message about the availability of these games will be shared with the player.  If the player purchases, 20% of the net sale to that player will be paid to the contractor that found him.  The average order amount for these guys is about $270, so it can be inferred that the average commission earned by a contractor is about $54 of every order they make happen.

In order for a contractor to acquire a list, they will need to pay 10 cents for each player assigned to them.  100 players will cost the contractor $10 to work.  This 10 cent charge will apply to the first 500 players assigned.  After a contractor is assigned 500 players their work performance will be reviewed by SPARX.  Here are the things that can happen after that review;
1. The contractor will continue to get assignments and no longer pay the 10 cents per player.
2. The contractor will continue to get players but will have to continue paying the 10 cents per player assigned.
3. The contractor will continue to get players but may pay a different amount per player assigned which could be more or less then the 10 cents per player.
4.  The contractor will no longer be assigned players, but will continue to gain the 20% commission on previously assigned players who may purchase for one year after the date of assignment.
5.   The contractor will no longer be assigned players, and will not receive any commission on previously assigned players.
The determination of any of the above will be made solely by SPARX.

As a bonus, once a contractor finds players on their lists who total over $1,000 in sales, all money paid to acquire players will be refunded to the contractor.

This is a long term deal.  It is important for contractors to stay working for SPARX for a long time as it takes time for some players to order.  The more players you "work", the better chance you have to earn money.  For example, last week I got an order for $1,000.  If you were to have referred that order you would bonus $200!  No limit to the amount you can make.  You may want to note, has grossed over $2 million in sales so far.  It is estimated there is still at least $10 million of sales out there.

You must be an ACTIVE CONTRACTOR in order to get your commissions.

You do not have to pay the $10 and the $4.99 connection charge, which totals $14.99 up front.  In fact, you really never have to pay it at all.  It will simply be listed on your ASAP within the accounting section.  As you earn commissions, this amount will simply be credited against commission due you.

Monies due the contractor will be paid each week on Friday.

And, oh yes, you get to do all of this from the comfort of you own home.  Must have a computer, internet access, and microsoft excel.

If you are interested in this position please email or call Bill Roman at 717-732-5643.

Since 12/1/2018

 SPARX Video Network Preview


Add flair to your purchase, and make it a collectible with a custom DVD sleeve and labels.
We pair up the silent video with a radio broadcast to give you the full AV experience!



In 1990 I sold 'em on VHS

2000 DVD

2015 thumb drive

2018 Google Drive it!

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