You are hereThe Operational Plan of The SPARX Business Plan

The Operational Plan of The SPARX Business Plan


I -  Continue doing what SPARX has been doing for the last 25 years except on a grander scale.

          A.  See this link for more on what SPARX has been doing for the last 25 years.

II -  Expand the amount of employees employed by SPARX from 1 to as many as 20 or more.

          A.  Among these employees will be a fully staffed Marketing and Sales Department.

               1.  The goals of this department will be as follows.

                    a.)  SPARX has about 85 clients.  Let's get at least 515 more.

                    b.)  Develop marketing plans to get the word out about the 50,000 games SPARX already has, and the new games they may obtain.

                         1.)  Look into TV commercials and especially on ESPN.

                         2.)  Contact schools, ask them for help getting the word out about the games.

                             -  Get on all of their related websites

                             -  Get an ad in any of their school related publications.

                              -  Get in their football programs.

                         3.)  Go to conference seminars and meetings, set up a booth and market SPARX.

                     c.)  Continue to utilize and augment Mass emailing initiatives such as Constant Contact, and other mass email marketing initiatives.

          B.  One of the first personnel moves will be to find an employee to do what WDR has been doing for years.  This employee will be paid $30,000 a year, plus possible bonuses.

               a.)  This employee will free WDR are up so that he can implement The SPARX Plan 2014, and, more specifically, lead the marketing effort to procure new clients, and more content.

III - Rent or lease space to house SPARX.

          B.  Employees will have a place to work.

IV. -  Some new operational processes will occur pursuant to appropriate investment funding.

          A  SPARX will implement an initiative to identify, and then, contact every one who has ever played Division I, II, or III College Football.  SPARX currently has the names, schools played at, and years played for all of those players.  SPARX is working on a computer system which will assist in identifying, contacting, and subsequently marketing to all of those players.  The computer system is called "ROBOSPARX".

V.  SPARX may move into The High School Football Video Market.

VI.  -  SPARX may market, more intensely, basketball and other athletic video content.

VII. -  We may get into printing digital pictures from the film content we have.  We will have millons of frames of film to choose from.


Since 11/1/2014

 SPARX Video Network Preview


Add flair to your purchase, and make it a collectible with a custom DVD sleeve and labels.
We pair up the silent video with a radio broadcast to give you the full AV experience!



In 1990 I sold 'em on VHS

2000 DVD

2015 thumb drive

2018 Google Drive it!

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